Every client has individual process water requirements and incoming water quality. Therefore, we remain flexible in our equipment selection. We have relationships with well recognized national brands in the industry while being committed to selecting the best equipment for the application.

KWT has the flexibility to incorporate custom controls, custom built treatment units, and whole treatment system design and installation. During the design phase of a project, we remain product neutral in our equipment selection, because every client has unique water requirements, and water quality varies across the country. We have the option to sole-source a complete system if it is the right fit, but have no obligation to a single manufacturer. Examples of what we procure include reverse osmosis systems, ultrafiltration systems, demineralizing systems, and metal precipitation.

KWT offers rental equipment and operators on a short-term basis. Examples of what we are able to rent include demineralizing systems, reverse osmosis systems, and ultrafiltration systems.

Pilot systems can provide proof of concept prior to a large capital investment. Once the pilot program is complete, you will receive a full report and our team can discuss how best to design your system with performance data specific to your process or waste stream.